Hi I just took my 6 yr old to the doctor because she had a little hair under her arms and a couple of dark hairs on her pubic area. The Dr. said that she would have...
A helmet has been recommended for our son with a "severely moderately" flat head. He is 7 1/2 months. He's been doing intensive physical therapy for the past 3 months...
I am now 5 days late (period should have started 6/14) I took a test on 6/16 and one this morning 6/19 but they were both NEGATIVE. I'm guessing that I am now 19 DPO....
So I went to the doctor today and had my first exam done since finding out I was pregnant on Sunday. I had been spotting the days before. It was very light a minimum ...
I had the results of my Quad screening back on Monday. The Dr said I was very elevated for spina-bifida and I would be contacted by a high risk OB and scheduled for a...
Hello, Ladies
My sister-in law just got her results back from the test to see if the baby had Down syndrome and it was positive they told her not to worry and that t...
My husband and I are trying to have a baby. I had to have a D&C in January due to a miscarriage. When we went for our first ultrasound, there was nothing but a gestat...
first of all i am 7 1/2 months pregnant i went to my ob for a regular check up and i told her that i had a severe out break and thought that it was just an yeast infe...
I have irregular periods that go from 24 days to 34. The past few months they have been pretty consistent at 31 days. I was expecting my period on the 19th, but it ...
Ok ladies...We did everything right this month in order for me to concieve. All the days line up and I was eager to test. I am not due to start my period until Monday...