My toddler is 3 1/2. Will be 4 in April. He refuses to potty train. He tells us he is still a baby and baby's pee pee in their diapers. The funny thing is he goes to ...
My son will be 4 years old in just a few months. He has been potty trained since he was just over 3 years old (during the day). I've been trying to get rid of the th...
Hi Mom's, I am at my wits end trying to potty train my 2-1/2 year old little girl. I have tried videos, stickers, m&m's, rewards to Chuck-e-Cheese... etc. I don't k...
My Little girl who will be 3 in september has been potty trained during the day for 10 months minus one bad week and even nap for the last two months. My question is...
We are training our 2.5 year old and she does really well during the day, but at night, she soaks everything! I have gone back to putting her in diapers at night. S...
Ok, so we've done real good with potty training..... well, sort of! When I first started, she would use the bathroom as soon as I put pull ups or panties on her no m...
I'm trying to patty train him and he knows what the potty is but just sits on and nothing comes out mabye once or twice but thats it. He even comes and tells me when ...
Well I am having trouble with my 3 year old son. We have been trying to potty train him. He refuses to wear underwear and to use the toilet. I have tried everything f...
I am a SAHM. My son will be 5 in Oct. He is potty trained during day. When he takes naps he sometimes has an accident. But at night he pees the bed. I have resor...