plano senior high school

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Results 41-50 from 89 articles

Help with a Teenage Daughter

B.C. asks from Dallas

I have a daughter that just turned 16 this January and I am having issues with her passing the 10 grade, she all together has been a great child, other than the tipic...


Where to Get a Good Flute for Cheap??

P.H. asks from Dallas

My daughter is starting the flute next fall and we've been told she MUST have a Yamaha YFL 281 or a Yamaha YFL 361H. I looked online and these things are $1000!!! We'...


Need Advice on Preparing for College

D.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms and Teachers. I need some advice on preparing for College for my Nephew. He is finishing 9th grade. He takes all AP classes and make all A's. What should he ...


Teenager Fund Raising Idea's

D.D. asks from Albuquerque

My teenager would like to go on a school trip next summer and it should cost roughly $2200. We have thought of selling candy bars from CostCo/Sam's Club, but do you h...


Homework in American Publick Schools

N.N. asks from Dallas

Americans want good schools and education for their kids, but when schools push up for it, they don’t like it. It is not going to happen without hard work. Not goi...


College Kids, downsizing...what to Do??

M.R. asks from St. Louis

I am a mom to four girls and all but one is now in college. My oldest are twins and they are Juniors in college, the middle one is a college Freshman and our youngest...


Karate Class for Almost-5-year-old Son?

E.M. asks from Dallas

Dear Moms, I posted a question on here a few months ago about classes for my son, as he has absolutely no interest in participating in sports but I thought an arts...


Ideas for Emergency Back-up Child Care for a Saturday (5 Hrs)

P.G. asks from Dallas

The best class hours I can find are Saturday, 9-2. I expect that my husband will be home and it won't be an issue, but he has 3rd year med school rotations, so I want...


Seeking in Info on Home Schooling

L.T. asks from Tyler

I have a 15 year old godchild who will not go to school. She wants to be home schooled. Her mother does not have time so I have offered to help. I do not know what...


Seeking to Move to a Great Neighborhood

A. asks from Dallas

We are getting ready to sell our house in Dallas. We LOVE our neighborhood but our house is just too small for our growing family. I would appreciate any recommendati...

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