photos of playroom

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Results 1-10 from 106 articles

I Feel Guilty About Keeping Toddler in Playroom. Am I Overthinking It?

K.M. asks from Dallas

So we have our dining room turned into the boys' playroom. It is gated off to keep them in and the dogs out. It is in full view of kitchen and living room. My olde...


Playroom Solutions/ideas....

K. asks from Chicago

I am looking to organize our indoor play area. Do you have any pictures of your play area to spark my imagination or have you seen any good ideas in magazines lately...


Potential Home Buyers Letting Kids Mess up Our Playroom

E.F. asks from Grand Rapids

Help! We are trying to sell our house and I routinely return home after a showing to find our playroom a mess. Potential buyers let their kids rummage around in the...


Playroom Decorating Ideas

S.D. asks from Phoenix

Growing out of the toys and want to be creative in an idea for my 8 and 11 year old. Any ideas with this space ? TV and video games are not an intrest for these kids.


What Is on YOUR Bookshelf?

K.B. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi Mamas. So, I have a nice bookshelf but I noticed the other day that the kids like to put their books/magazines on the two bottom shelves. My top shelves have mai...


What to Do with the Piles and Piles of School Artwork?!

N.C. asks from Tucson

I'm desperately trying to get a handle on the chaos in my house that has gotten out of hand since my fourth baby was born in September. I am able to organize most th...


What to Do with All These Xmas Cards?

E.S. asks from New York

What do you do with all the Xmas cards you receive? In pre-kid life I've used them as backgrounds for scrapbooking or even turned them into other cards. Now, mo...


Creative Ways to Stay Organized

B.S. asks from Chicago

It doesn't help that me and my husband are pack rats. I think I may be worse than him. I just don't remember it ever being this bad. Now the funny part is, when you...


Traveling Tips

C.D. asks from Detroit

My family and I are going on a Caribbean cruise next month for a friend's wedding. It's definitely against my better judgement to take a 13-month-old on a cruise but...


Moving to a New Home (Same Area), Need Help to Transition 5 Year Old.....

D.M. asks from Atlanta

We are moving 10 minutes up from where we currently live. My middle child, who is 5 years old, is the only one that is not excited aobut the house. I realize childr...

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Answer Highlights

  • portable dvd player in 3 answers "... fun too - especially if she is into any special characters. Portable DVD player ..."
  • some knick knacks in 2 answers "I do have some knick knacks and stuff, on the rest of them, and I one with no books ..."
  • cut out the pictures and put in 2 answers "I cut out the pictures and put them on the fridge, my daughter plays with them until ..."
  • make a shadow box in 2 answers "... you take some of the special items, blankie, photos, etc and make a shadow box ..."
  • seeing their artwork in 2 answers "They love seeing their artwork as we go through the laundry room to the garage every ..."