Playroom Solutions/ideas....

Updated on September 21, 2006
K. asks from Chicago, IL
5 answers

I am looking to organize our indoor play area. Do you have any pictures of your play area to spark my imagination or have you seen any good ideas in magazines lately? Would love a designer to come, but my rich uncle didn't get out of the poorhouse yet!!!! The space is small and I have a few ideas but can�t seem to get the whole picture. Any ideas are welcome!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi K., There are a couple of ideas I would try if I could turn back time...

1) Visit IKEA for adorable yet inexpensive furniture versus purchasing Pottery Barn Kids.
2) Visit or similar site for cute wall art.

Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

You may want to watch HGTV. They have some great ideas on children's playrooms. I watched them transform one child's playroom into ELMO'S WORLD! It was very interesting.

If you go to HGTV.Com and type in playroom in the search engine, it shows before and after pics of playrooms they have transformed.,,HGTV_3545_...

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answers from Chicago on

Our playroom is my favorite place in the house (sad but true). I love the colors and funtionality of the room. We purchased our furniture from Ikea, Target and Pottery Barn. Feel free to e-mail me for photos.



answers from Chicago on

I like our playroom.....especially when it is clean.
I would send you a picture if you would like...send me your e-mail address....and I will send you a picture...our organizers are from Target...and one from IKEA. I just took the time to label the drawers so I can try and teach my 19month old to put things where they belong.....ya right!



answers from Chicago on

I love looking at pottery barn kids catalogs for ideas and then you could go to Target or Ikea and get similar items for much cheaper. Also, I think Better Homes and Garden magazine publishes a special book/magazine on playrooms. I think I may have seen it at Home Depot or at a bookstore (barnes/noble). Also, Land of Nod catalog has cute playrooms - again for ideas. What about getting some books from the library. We don't have the space - but when we do actually have one room dedicated to playtime - I can't wait to decorate. Have fun!

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