phone cards

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Results 21-30 from 3,893 articles

Why Do People Buy Greeting Cards?

K.F. asks from Salinas

I personally have not bought a Hallmark type card in 20 years. I hear people complain about how expensive they are and the times I've looked in the card section I was...


What's the Ediquite on Thank You Cards?

J.B. asks from Sacramento

Do people really expect to get a thank you card in the mail after every birthday party they've given a gift at? I typically have my children say thank you to the gues...


Living on Credit Cards

M.L. asks from Chicago

Financially we are quite a mess, and at odds as to what to do! So please, any advice would be helpful. Our credit score is excellent, we manage to pay things on t...


Why Do So Many Online Companies Do NOT Accept Gift Cards

K.L. asks from New York

I received some gift cards for my birthday but its next to impossible to use. I wanted to purchase some scrapbook stuff online. Its frustrating. I don't want to use m...


Spelling Flash Cards for 7Th Grade?

S.M. asks from Portland

I cannot find a commercial product consisting of flash cards for 7th grade. Is anyone here aware of anything like that? I am not looking for online spelling tests, ...


Where Can I Donate Used Greeting Cards?

S.A. asks from Minneapolis

I have all of my son's cards from when he was born and I can't bear the thought of just throwing them out. I've heard of places like nursing homes that sometimes take...


Teen Cell Phone Vs. No Cell Phone

J. asks from Provo

I have yet to see something about taking a stand against cell phones. My son has been asking, actually begging me to get him one (he is 16). We have gone round and ...


Droid Phone from Verizon

C.M. asks from Dallas

Hey Moms, I'm looking for your opinions on the Droid Phone from Verizon. I'm due for a new phone and can get a special offer on a Droid so I'm trying to decide if...


Storage for Credit Cards/rewards Cards,etc

J.G. asks from Chicago

I usually keep the credit cards and things I don't use in a jewelry box. Well, I'm packing the box up, so I'm not sure what to do with my giant stack of cards I use o...


What's the Best Cell Phone Deal????

L.S. asks from Orlando

Hello Moms, I just started working outside of the home and we believe that we'll be needed a cell phone. We haven't had a cell phone while in America. We did whe...

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  • suze orman website in 2 answers "I just wanted to also tell you to look on The Suze Orman website she is a great finacial ..."
  • monitor how many texts in 2 answers "... an unlimited text plan, it's way to impossible to try to monitor how many texts ..."
  • all credit card debt in 2 answers "I was able to consolidate all credit card debt into a 7 year Discover loan with a ..."
  • your credit card companies in 2 answers "Have you called your credit card companies to get on a payment plan?"
  • late night phone calls in 3 answers "Keep the phone out of his room if your concerned with late night phone calls."