Pediatric Opthamologist

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Results 31-40 from 296 articles

Need Pediatrician, Etc. in Newport Beach

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have. Our family is re-locating to Newport Beach in a month and I would love to get referrals for our family...


8 Month Old with Lazy Lid

C.M. asks from Dallas

My son was diagnosed with having a lazy eyelid since he was a few months old. He has seen a pediatric opthamologist 2 times now and will continue to see him every 6 ...


1 Year Old Has a Weak Eye Muscle

M.B. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Everyone, The other day my 1 year olds right eye started to turn inward. I took her to see the Dr. They said that some children still developing will get a lazy e...


Failing Vision Test

H.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I took my 5 year old for his appointment today and he failed the vision test. They said that he tested 20 20 in one eye and 20 40 in the other. We were refe...


5 Year Old Son Complaining of Seeing Spots

S.C. asks from Sacramento

My 5 year old son came to me last night and said "Mommy do you see all those spots everywhere?". I didn't and questioned him about the spots and he said he was seeing...


Clogged Tear Ducts

M.F. asks from Austin

My 15 month old son has had clogged tear ducts since birth. The pediatrician was hoping they would clear on their own, but were still clogged at his 12 month checkup...


How Do I Get My 3 Yr Old to Wear Her Glasses?

B.S. asks from New York

My 3 yr old was prescribed glasses by a pediatric opthamologist. She is farsighted only in one eye, about 20/40, the other eye is 20/20. At first she liked the idea...


Did Your Baby Have Clogged Tear Ducts?

T.R. asks from St. Louis

My 8 month old son has had a clogged tear duct since he was born. I just took him to an opthamologist who said if it hasn't cleared itself up by this point, it's not...


Children's Eye Doctor

D.S. asks from Boca Raton

My son is 2months old and my Dr. said to go to an Opthamologist. Does anyone know of any? Thank you!


Seeing a Strange Glow in 4 Month Old Babie's Eye!

D.M. asks from Omaha

Over the past week or so I have notices an unusual glow in my babies left eye. I am aware of Retinoblastoma which causes a glow in the pupil of a babies eye from ligh...

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Answer Highlights

  • myopia and astigmatism in 3 answers "If you feel the need to google, then look up myopia and astigmatism."
  • wear them while reading in 2 answers "She is nearsighted so she only had to wear them while reading."
  • had clogged ducts in 2 answers "My son had the surgery when he was 22 mos. He'd had clogged ducts in both eyes since ..."
  • warm wash cloth in 2 answers "... you feed the baby and if it gets goopy and nasty clean it with a warm wash cloth."
  • eye muscle surgery in 2 answers "Her brain directs and controls her eyes and eye muscle surgery is not brain surgery."