my dd is going to turn 2 soon. she has enough "stuff" as it is. i need a polite way to say either no gifts or second hand gifts are always welcome. most of her clo...
Just wondering how many gifts you give your children for their birthday? We used to give about 2-4 gifts, but now I'm thinking that's to much and one good gift shoul...
So my son will be 3 soon. He will likely WANT gifts. I notice a lot of birthday invitations that say "No gifts necessary" or "Please no gifts." or something of the so...
Any suggestions for holiday gifts for the teachers at Daycare? I'm sure that they grow tired of all the food gifts - so any ideas are appreciated - especially econom...
Going off the response from another post, I am just curious as to how people feel on giving gifts to teachers. Do you give so that your child receives extra attention...
We'll soon be having a birthday party for our twins, boys who will be 8. I'm working on the wording for our invitations, with regard to gifts. Two years ago we had ou...