My daughter has a 4 month old baby. With her first baby it was only pampers that she used. She would like to find a good diaper that is less expensive for second li...
My daughter will be 11 months old on the 10th and is just about big enough to move out of size 2 Pampers Swaddlers and on to size 3 diapers. I was thinking about goin...
Expecting #3 in a few weeks, so I went shopping for diapers. We used Swaddlers for our first two boys up to the biggest size, then switched to Baby Dry instead of Cr...
Hi Moms,
I was wondering if any of you have experienced what I'm currently going through. My daughter who is a little over 1yr 1/2 is going through the potty trainn...
I have been using the Target brand diapers on my daughter for over a year now. They have been fine. But now she is uncomfortable. Her butt cheeks are itchy. She w...
Has anyone used these diapers? My 14 month old daughter uses Pampers Cruisers, but has been waking up in the middle of the night with very wet diapers. I'm thinking...
Has anyone has issues with the new Pampers?? Apparently a great number of babies are suffering from a very bad rash. They are also inadequate as far as absorbption...