My wife and I discovered we were expecting after taking a pregnancy test in early November '08. This is her very first pregnancy. My wife is not doing so good due to...
Ok, I've had 2 kids before, but now that I'm 9 months along, I'm having long periods of contractions that are not really painful, but regular and this time it's diffe...
Can Braxton Hicks contractions be rhythmic? Putting my feet up helps,and my contractions become further apart and less intense, but as soon as I stand up to do anyth...
ive been havin these bad sharp pains on my right side for 2 weeks, they went away and now again today, i cant even hardly walk again, are these the braxton hicks?
your whole belly tightning and feeling out of breath. I know how braxton hicks feels and this is a lot more intense but it is not painfull. It is about seven minutes ...
This is weird but I feel like I am having braxton hicks contractions. I should start my period on monday (or within a few days) and I tested negative on a pregnancy t...
I'm due in 10 days (Oct. 9th). My baby seems to have dropped (my belly looks and feels much lower), and I have had a few painful contractions (but mostly painless Bra...
I'm 36 weeks and my baby keeps balling up in the womb. I know they aren't contractions because usually you can see his or her little butt or back sticking out on one ...
I'm so confused about Braxton Hicks and how they are supposed to feel. The last time I had a baby was 5 years ago and I had to be induced. I don't remember ever hav...