My youngest son is very bright and has always gotten good marks on his report cards. He usually gets all stars on his manners, following school rules, following class...
Anyone like to recommend a toy or game that their son really likes? My son seems to be outgrowing the toys he has. I don't buy him a ton because I want him to devel...
We have a very close friend that is like an Aunt, sister, 2nd mother, and friend to me all rapped up into one. We are trying to find a good name for our son to call h...
My husband and I JUST got done putting our tree up :-) My favorite ornament is my pickle!
The pickle game goes a follows: The head of house hides the pickle inside...
My name is J. and I moved to Eden Prairie 6 months ago from the West Coast. I started using this site as a way to meet other moms and other kids so my children would...
I am having my first boy (after 3 girls) in two weeks and as of yet he doesn't have a name! My husband and I cannot seem to agree on anything. To be honest, it is m...
What are your first impressions if you met a boy named Rush? What about a man named Rush? Would you think that his parents love the band Rush? Would you assume his...
I am 20 weeks pregnant with my third daughter. We just found out we are having a girl and have started discussing names. My husband LOVES the name Maisy. I think i...
My mil (who tends to do things just to irritate me.....even my husband admits that) told me on Christmas Eve that she doesn't like my poor choice in name for my young...
When I had my first two kids I am almost embarrassed by how little thought I put into the names.(Isaac and Elizabeth) I have noticed with every child it gets a little...