I have a 1 month old baby that has 6 toes (extra big toe) and the first 3 toes webbed togther on both feet. (well 4 including the extra big toe on each foot). We wo...
I have a 5 1/2 month old beautiful happy baby boy, who is 20+ pounds, he was a very big baby, sleeps thru the night, usualy from around 8pm till around 7am, eats abou...
I am currently pregnant and considering breast feeding. I have a 6 y/o daughter that has never really been exposed to breast feeding. Her aunt came over wh...
We have friends at our church who lost their son yesterday. The mom's water broke at 30 weeks pregnant so delivery was necessary. The baby boy only lived a few hour...
My 3YO daughter usually speaks really well, has a huge vocabulary, and speaks very clearly (and this is not just my opinion, it's also the opinion of the Sunday Schoo...
I am 33 weeks pregnant and my litte one (baby # 2 ) is frank breech. I know the baby can still turn. i am going to
acupucture, trying some of the positiions. ice on...
We generally swaddle our 2 month old to get him to sleep or help calm him when he's fussy. With the warm weather just around the corner, I'm worried that the receivin...
I feel like I'm bing presured to come up with a name for my daughter. I'm due November 15th and everyone wants to know what I'm naming her. The truth is I don't know....
We are expecting our second child the week of Thanksgiving. Our daughter is 6 y/o. We want to get her a gift from the Baby that will be given to her at the hospital...
My daughter is 10 months old and I am 11 weeks pregnant. I had planned to nurse my daughter until she was 2 years old. I still would like to do this, so I was wonde...