name world

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Results 71-80 from 15,739 articles

Did You like Your First Name When You Were a Child?

*.*. asks from New London

When I was a kid, everybody called me "Kristine" or "Kristina" and it drove me crazy ! I was constantly saying that my name was Kris--ten ! Finally, in the mid-70...


Need Honest Opinions on a Name

S.K. asks from New London

I am 20 weeks pregnant with my third daughter. We just found out we are having a girl and have started discussing names. My husband LOVES the name Maisy. I think i...


Boy Name Suggestions

A. asks from Cleveland

Hello ladies! I am currently pregnant again with a little boy and I am having a hard time picking out a name. I've searched online a million times, but nothing seems ...


Seeking Name for Third Girl

S.S. asks from Evansville

We are due in November with our third girl! We are having a hard time coming up with a name for her. Our other girls are Faith Elizabeth and Olivia Grace. We are thin...


Competition for the "Perfect" Baby Name.

M.W. asks from Madison

I'm sure many of you have had this or similar situations happen to you and I am looking for some ideas on how to handle an awkward situation. I am expecting my third...


A Little Help with a Name.

K.I. asks from Muncie

Hi Moms, We recently found out that we are haveing a girl. We have had a name that we like for quite a while and are thinking of using it. The problem comes when I...


Judge Changes Baby's Name

A.A. asks from Tulsa

So I was reading about a judge in TN that changed a child's first name from Messiah to Martin, she was supposed to decide the child's LAST name between feuding parent...


Baby Name Drama

L.M. asks from San Antonio

I named my last baby girl the name my sister would have used had her last baby been a girl. She has informed me that she is still upset that I did so and that I have ...


And the Battle for a Name for Baby Begins....

M.F. asks from Youngstown

Well we recently found out we are having a girl...I am so excited to have my very own princess! I have three boys already. We argued for months over what to name our ...

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