My daughter was born two months premature, for reasons unknown. I try to remember that she may be behind with a few things as I see other kids her age and other moth...
I plan to nurse my 5 month old daughter until she reaches age 1. I am extremely overweight and can't wait to lose the weight. I've been reading about weight loss and ...
My dd is 3. I moved into this area when she was still an infant, and I still don't know many people. Between work and school, I don't have much time to go out and do ...
I am a stay at home mom and was offered a tues thurs Mothers Day Out postion in Jan. Well I took it so my daughter(10mts at time) could come and play with other child...
So this is kind of a weird question. I'm breastfeeding my 3rd baby now. I have always over-produced breastmilk. So over the weeks, I have been able to pump and fre...
I hate tried everything I know to do. I drink about a gallon of water a day. I pump every 2-3 hrs. I drink Mother's Milk Tea. Even though I picked the bottle other mo...
My twin boys are now 4 and are fixing to start school in August. I am having problems with them listening to me. I have to repeat myself over and over again to do so...
I am very thankful to have started a job with a very free schedule. However, I will need child care a couple days a week. I noticed a lot of mothers' day outs are Tue...
I'm in north Arlington and new to the area. I'm looking for info on preschools that are affordable. I don't qualify for any kind of programs but income is tight due t...
Good Morning!
My 14 month old daughter doesn't talk. She sometimes says Dada and lots of baby babble but that's it. I got on the internet and found that she shou...