My 4 1/2 month old son has never slept thru the night. He goes to sleep pretty easily to start with. A few months ago I started putting him to bed each night at the...
I'm a new mom, and I keep seeing people say constant thirst is sign of diabetes. she is a c section baby, and their likely to be a diabetic . she is not hungry she wi...
So he eats like a little piggy! But just wont put on the pounds. He is 29in long and 17 lbs but eats 3 meals a day and usually about 24-28 ounces of formula a day. He...
My 6 month old has reverted and has stopped sleeping through the night. When she was 3-4 months old she wouild sleep 6-8 hours at a stretch but now she is up ev...
My daughter is 9 months old (07-07-2007) and she will not eat baby food for me wether i make it myself or its out of a jar. I have found that she will eat whatever my...
My daughter has been a very "spitty" up baby for what seems like forever. I was only able to breast feed for 2 mon's due to a milk duct problem in my breast. We hav...
My son is very fussy and he just won't sleep during the day or at night. He has never really been a good sleeper. he had an ear infection a few months ago. He has t...
My little girl is 8 months old, ive read that she should still be having 1litre of milk a day, but she has no where near that amount. She has a 5oz bottle in the morn...
My daughter is almost 23 months old and lately has been waking up very emotional in the mornings. She cries and cries for anywhere from 15-45 mins. She only calms dow...
My 4.5 month old son has terrible gas/stomach problems and it is getting worse. Some background: He was born 1 month premature and started having stomach issues fairl...