Our son has never found numbers easy, despite extra tutoring.
He is now in high school and completely lost in algebra. He is working with a tutor and his teacher ...
Can anyone help?
We find out DS's IQ score on MOnday and if it is high enough he'll need a gifted IEP.
I"m not sure what to expect or demand.
His Gate teache...
Does anyone know? I thought it is a learning disability, but I was told it is not (however, I still think it is). Also, if you don't know, do you know what kind of ...
I have a 5yr old who is beyond frustrating. Everyday I wake up and know I have to wake him up. Will he wake up happy, or will we be threatned with 'being grounded' ...
Well, after this latest storm, I have decided that there is no way in hell I'm doing a build on our current property. Our backyard is a lake, and our street is a pond...
My 11 year old just started middle school...6th grade...oh my ...and things are NOT going well. he just got his report card...3 C's..ugh! he just can't seem to get in...
I called the ES about my DD signing up for K in the fall and they mentioned the dual language program. It's a situation where there are 2 teachers, one for each langu...
this one's not for me. our little one isn't at this age as yet, but its for a friend.
we were raised with the "nothing less than your personal best" is acceptable...
Hi. My son is going into middle school in the fall. Our school division is starting a new program in the fall that will provide every middle school student with an ...
My daughter attends a public school which offers a chance in 4th grade to be in a single gender classroom. Have any of you tried this type learning environment for yo...