Kiddin Around

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Bladder Issue for Mom

S.P. asks from Nashville

This is soooo embarrassing. Ever since my youngest daughter was born (she weighed 10 pounds), I have noticed that if I am running or doing something else strenuous l...


Feeling Down

H.H. asks from Los Angeles

For the most part I love being a mom. Today I woke up, stood on the scale and I think things just went down from there. My baby is almost 4 months old and I have no...


VBAC Vs. Repeat C-section?

C.R. asks from Detroit

I'd like to hear your experience(s) with attempted VBACs. Successes? Horror stories? I cannot find any friends or aquaintances who have had a successful VBAC! Ear...


Has Anyone Supplemented at 1 Month?

C.G. asks from San Luis Obispo

my newborn is one month old and he is hungry all of the time..(he is a big boy) It seems like after i breastfeed he is hungry about 20 minutes later again, I have sta...


Breastfeeding 9 Month Old and Just Got My Period

B.B. asks from New York

I am still breastfeeding my 9 month old daughter and I just got my period today. This is the first time since I got pregnant! I am freaking out!! Is my milk going ...


Weight Loss HELP

K.S. asks from Cincinnati

I'm just curious.....I'm at my wits end with my weight....I have done everything I can even imagine.....Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Adkins, Eating barely nothing, c...


Are Stride Rite Shoes Worth It?

A.G. asks from Cincinnati

My little guy is almost walking, so I want to buy his first pair of "real" shoes. He always goes barefoot in the house, but he needs something to protect his feet wh...

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