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Finding My Way

T.W. asks from Abilene

I have revently went back to work full-time...not neccasarily by choice. I love feeling imortant again, as i am a floral designer/Manager and I believe that I am goo...

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Answer Highlights

  • pick and choose your battles in 2 answers "But you have to pick and choose your battles."
  • crock pot meals in 3 answers "I do alot of crock pot meals."
  • slow cooker in 6 answers "afternoon, freeze or put in frig for week. or, slow cooker each morning before work."
  • home cooked meals in 2 answers "... stuff through the week and freeze extra, so we eat primarily home cooked meals."
  • one load of laundry in 2 answers "I also find that if I do one load of laundry a day that helps."