Long story short...My little girls hair was falling out so I took her to the pediatrician to see if he might know why, and he decided to draw some blood. When her blo...
My daughter had her 9mth checkup yesterday and the ped said her blood test came back showing that she was slightly low on iron. The ped recommended that I buy Poly V...
My little girls blood work showed low iron levels at her two year old check up. She is now taking vitamins, but Id like to get her to eat more iron rich foods. Do y...
So my son is 10 months and we EBF and we are doing baby led weaning. BUT I can't figure out what to give him to boost his iron. I don't really want to give a suppleme...
My 4 year old wants to see Iron Man 2 with his dad but im not sure thats appropriate for his age. Its PG13, so im thinking it may be over his head or have sexual inu...
My exclusively breastfed 2-month baby was recommended by the his doctor to supplement with Vitamin D. I gave him Poly-vi-sol which has the D but it has iron too. I st...
I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 6 month old (we just started solids 2 weeks ago)... how do I make sure he is getting enough Iron. I keep reading that at 6 mon...
Hi - just a quick opinion check. My SD, age 14, lives with us. Like most girls her age, she is a hair-flattening freak and uses a flat iron every day. Hers broke a wh...
Just curious if any of you have given your children Floradix for anemia? Awhile back I had a post about my son's anemia--we've just had another round of labs and now...
I guess I didnt give enough information - sorry.. When I was writing this I was very upset and wasnt thinking like I should have been. I took my little girl to the d...