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Results 71-80 from 148 articles

21-Month Old Won't Use Sippy Cup & Only Drinks Milk

J.M. asks from Boston

Hi - My 21-month old daughter will not use a sippy cup. I've tried at least 10 different kinds. Also, she has no interest in any liquid but milk (about 20 oz/day). ...


Husky Jeans

T.C. asks from Des Moines

My son is now 19 months and is "Husky." He is in the 95% for weight and 90% for height. I am having a terrible time finding pants that fit him. We currently are we...


Best Organizational Tips

J.V. asks from Chicago

Ok Ladies, I need some serious organizational help. I need your best tips for keeping stuff organized. I have a tendency to let certain rooms (the office, the utility...


Chapter Books for 5 Yr Old

L.O. asks from Denver

My son is getting old enough now that we've considered reading a chapter book to him at bedtime instead of the traditional picture books. Do you have any recommendat...



M.L. asks from San Francisco

My 8 yr old son has had this friend since Kindergarten and has been on a few playdates with him. They get along great and his parents are very nice as well. My prob...


Baby Is Face Up...

L.B. asks from Port St. Lucie

Just waned to check w/ other Mom's out there. I'm about to deliver my 4th baby - my other 3 were born naturally, no problems. This time, my darling son is head down...


What Products Can You Not Stand?

L.L. asks from Rochester

So, I finally tried a Hershey's Air Delight. My instincts kept saying not to...that it sounded terrible. It's terrible. The inside of the candy bar...well, the...


Does Anyone Have a Second Grader with an "Invention" Project for School?

L.B. asks from Cincinnati

Hi all, My daughter is studying "inventors" in school and has to put together an 'invention' of sorts. This is a second grade project, what do you think we should...


Liking School

M.J. asks from Milwaukee

My 8 year old hates school. We (teacher, therapist, us) have tried to talk to him about the importance of it blah blah blah. He does not care. He has hated school sin...


Summer Receiving Blankets?

V.G. asks from Chicago

We generally swaddle our 2 month old to get him to sleep or help calm him when he's fussy. With the warm weather just around the corner, I'm worried that the receivin...

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