I am 36 years old and I finally had a consult today to get a partially impacted wisdom tooth out and the one adjacent to it. The oral surgeon was really nice and up ...
Hey ladies. Im getting my last tooth in the back removed because it has turned into a root canal and its cheaper to pull. Also my top left wisdom tooth removed tomorr...
I should be most grateful if you could inform me that currently, no dental work needs to be done on my 7 year old. She has a a squint adult tooth growing out . Perhap...
Hey all I'm 23 and finally getting these stupid things out! I was told that my top two didn't need to come out because he can't even see them on the x-ray. The bottom...
Im scheduled to get a bottom impacted wisdom tooth removed that is also infected by a cavity. Im so terrified of needles and drills and pain. Does anyone have any exp...
Any comments / suggestions / questions out there regarding having a baby's frenulum clipped?
How can I tell if baby is really 'tongue tied'?
If we do not get the pr...
I am getting one impacted wisdom tooth removed next Friday. I was wondering about the recovery time. My dentist makes it sound like no big deal, but I am a little w...
I guess my wisdom tooth is impacted, my lower left side is paining, swollen face ( left side), and inside the mouth i can see half of the tooth, actually it had come ...
My wisdom teeth have been needed to be pulled for several years now. They are already fully grown in , and about 5-7 years ago I had two of them pulled in an emergenc...
My 2 year old has been complaining of her "teeth" hurting, upon closer inspection it's really her gums and the roof of her mouth... She's been with her Meme (my mom) ...