I'm interested in starting to sell my big baby items on craigslist. I've gone through some listings and it seems that people are asking what I consider a lot for the...
My husband and I are trying to tighten our budget, but still be realistic in setting the new budget. I am wondering, if you are a family of four, how much do you spe...
My husband is an avid bicyclist so I want to buy him a bike trailer for Father's Day. Our daughter is 12 mos. and I think she would really enjoy going for rides. I'...
We have been given a SAMS club membership. We are a family of 4 with two very young kids. I don't feel like we are using our membership to it's potential. And I am...
I am feeling overwhelmed! First of all, I am a bit OCD! :-/
My son will be 2 in April. I have been really good about organzing and putting away his clothing for...
Hi ladies, my fiance's daughter has requested a convertible crib as our gift to her. She picked out the specific one she wants (the brand is Tori) and I can only fin...
My son lives off of hand me downs from his cousin a year older, but the problem is all the jeans we get have big holes in the knees so I need to purchase some jeans. ...
We just had a vaccuum cleaner salesman knock at our door, who had a one-day-special of vacuuming free with some non-toxic soap deal. And since we had a fresh water pa...
I'm a very practical person, so when I became pregnant with my first son, I checked with friends to see what I could get second-hand before registering for new produc...
Ladies -
We just bought our 9 month old his first shoes. (stage 2 at stride rite). he isn't walking independently as yet, but he is cruising nicely, and walking b...