I have a tall soon to be 4yr old who has outgrown her trike. I will of course take her to test the bikes 1st but was wondering what others thought about the sizes and...
My 13 month old has size 6XW feet. They are basically square. I have know that Stride Rite has extra wide width shoes, but they only carry winter boots in a medium ...
I am 20 weeks along in my second pregnancy. I get a lot of discomfort in my left breast, along with some shooting pain that goes all the way to the muscle. I also get...
Now that my 11 month old son has learned to walk and doing well at it I want to buy him a pair of walking shoes to wear when he is outside. I want something that is ...
Hi All!
It's been a while - I hope all of you are doing well. Things with us are pretty good and very busy. I'm working and going to school pt and the baby is 9 mo...
I'm almost 7 months pregnant and had to take off one of my rings today! I think with my son, I had to take off my wedding ring but not until the last few weeks. Then,...
I am having off and on lower abdominal cramping for awhile right over my scar from my first child/ c-section. I am thirteen weeks pregnant with number two and ju...
I'm about to have my second baby any day and am looking for a recommendation on the best sling or wrap-type carrier (not a basic Baby Bjorn-type front carrier) to use...
I have a lovely 2 year old and I am 18 wks pregnant. My daughter is very spirited and when she is excited she climbs all over me. I try to keep her away fro...
Every day now since she has been in K, we have this battle with her shoes. Ever pair she owns slips off her heel. When the shoe store people measured her feet they sa...