my 2 year old grandson has been waking up crying that his leg or knee is hurting. He will slap at it and cry help me. The doctor said it is growing pains? My three n...
I have a beautiful 5 year old girl that wakes up at least 2 xs a week (often more) with extreme pains in her shins.This has been going on for over a year. Some weeks ...
My son just turned three years old and for the last year or so has been complaining that his feet hurt at night. He wakes up and says his feet hurt 2-3 (sometimes mo...
My four year old (will be five in one week) daughter has been complaining of a stomach ache for six days now. I called her doctor and a nurse there ran through all t...
For years now my 5 1/2 year old son has woken up with leg/foot pains at night. When he was younger he would wake up screaming and crying, now he cries and wimpers ab...
Hi Moms-
I have a handsome 5 year old son that has been complaining of his calves hurting. My mother & I thought they were growing pains as he has not had any serio...
Hello Mamas,
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on growing pains. My 4 year old is waking up frequently in the night from leg pains. I had these terribly even...
My 6year old son has been complaining about a pain in his Rleg-- It started at the ankle.. then the mid calf now its at the knee... I'm starting to get worried. Its p...
My 3 (almost 4 year old son) woke up crying last night that his legs and knees hurt. He is extremely big for his age, he's 46" tall and weighs about 60lbs. He is ve...