Okay, I know watch what I eat and exercise, but is there anything honestly, good for me or not to lose a few fast??? Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appre...
My 4 year old swallowed a lead fishing sinker. We took him to the hospital where upon consulting with a Ped GI doctor it was decided to leave the sinker in and let hi...
my daughter won't eat unless it's sweet and i am tired i don't know what do she is 14 months old will be 15 months next month on the 3rd of january and i tired just a...
Hi moms, ok, I am 40 and have pimples. I have read that proactiv works for teens, but want to hear from any adult that has used it. How does it work for them? Also...
My daughter is almost 7 weeks old, I've been breast-feeding since day one. Just in the last couple of days, my nipples have become incredibly sore. One of tem has bl...
Hey there, fellow parents!
My 3.5 year-old son has viral-induced asthma - only exhibits asthma symptoms when he gets a cold/upper-respiratory infection/virus.
I have a 14 year old daughter who not only has done the cancer thing but the chemo also killed her thyroid. I have several other daughters so I know the teen-pre-pube...
I mean just your plain-ol-tired variety.
Sometimes I wake up tired & my tasks for the day can seem daunting.
Not today though. Today I woke up energetic, well reste...
I have 2 kids, 6 and an almost eight year old. A couple of years after I had the last child I had to have a full hysterectomy. This helped me lose about 30 pounds. ...
My 8 yr old had an u/s done on Friday to confirm gallstones on an x-ray that was done Wednesday. She has complained several times over the past few months of pain & ...