goats milk for baby

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Results 141-150 from 1,027 articles

Does Cow's Milk Affect Behavior?

G.K. asks from San Diego

Does anyone have experience with cow's milk affecting behavior? I have two year old twins and and 9 month old. When they were babies they had inexplicable rashes. Thi...


Making the Switch to Whole Milk

J.S. asks from Detroit

Hello moms, I just recently switched my 12 month old over to whole milk and it is going well. He usually takes a great bottle in the morning and sometimes at night. ...


Newly Diagnosed Milk Allergy

J.C. asks from Boston

Hi Ladies! My 21 month old son was just diagnosed yesterday with a "moderate" milk allergy. Lately he's been getting a rash on his body and has been on desonide cream...


Getting My Toddler to Drink More Milk

C.H. asks from Kansas City

My son just turned one and we immediately switched him over to cow's milk. Our pediatrician told me that my son should be getting between 16 and 24 ounces of milk a d...


How to Get Your Toddler to Drink Milk?

B.K. asks from Chicago

My son will be 3 in July and he had a night time bottle of warm milk up until 2 weeks ago. I was giving him the bottle because he wouldn't drink milk any other way. ...


Infant with Milk Allergies

S.T. asks from Chattanooga

I posted a request previously because we found out that my 2 mo. old son was allergic to milk. I did not realize that milk intolerance and allergies were so different...


Milk Allergy Symptoms

J.L. asks from Philadelphia

My 15 mo old has been a difficult sleeper since birth (waking often at night - cramping). She was on specialized formula (Elecare) until 12 mo and is on constipation...


Low Fat Milk

K.K. asks from San Diego

Hey moms, so my SIL is giving her 1.5 yo two percent milk. I have an eight month old and believe me i don't know anything about toddlers or babies, i'm learning as i...


Goat's Milk Is Disgusting! Should I Give up on Her Ever Drinking Any Milk?

L.L. asks from Rochester

So, we finally tried goat's milk as a last resort for our daughter, who can't do cow dairy and WON'T drink soy, rice, coconut, almond, etc. She's 15 months old, and ...


Goat's Milk Supplement?

C.H. asks from Portland

I plan to ask this question of my pediatrician when I go in two weeks, but thought I'd prepare myself for the answer by asking the moms here first. I breastfeed my...

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Answer Highlights

  • non dairy ice cream in 2 answers "... small continer or sherbert or Italian ice for my daughter or non dairy ice cream."
  • fat content in whole milk in 2 answers "its their brains that will suffer not their bones. the fat content in whole milk is ..."
  • carnation instant breakfast in 2 answers "... one glass of regular whole milk I add 1 teaspoon of carnation instant breakfast ..."
  • very close to human milk in 2 answers "It's a great way to supplement. GM is very close to human milk and many mothers drink ..."
  • raw goats milk in 2 answers "Fresh, raw goat's milk is extremely healthy, the nutrition is still there and it ..."