My DS is four, ever since he started drinking juice I have cut it half jucie half water.
Now that he is getting older and having play dates I have had a couple of mo...
Recently, I had to take my 10 1/2 month old son for a sleep test. The doctor's thought he had sleep apnea. He doesn't have that, but he has to have his adenoids tak...
I have a 4 month old breastfed baby, people (older women usually) keep telling me to give my baby girl sugar water?? They are shocked that I dont give her water suppl...
As first-time parents, we have had to balance what the books ("Baby 411" say, and what veteran mom friends and family say. The books say to use bottle water, ...
I've read in "The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears that formula fed babies should drink 8 oz of water a day. It keeps them hydrated, as well as makes sure their system is fun...
I'm not new at this "mommy thing"; I've fostered 8 infants, most of which have had feeding issues. However, I'm stumped on this newest little girl. I've been workin...
Since she was born our daughter has had trouble gaining weight. We have been nursing and supplementing with pumped breast milk and soy formula. Since I had planned o...
I have started my 6 month old baby girl on solids. I am adding small amounts of salt in some of the food i am giving her (like vegetable soup). I cook all the food i ...
My little man is 5 weeks old and quite the eater, but I must say that there are times in between feedings that he gets a little fussy and my husband and I don't belie...
Okay, here's the deal. I am pregnant with baby #2 and am planning a water birth. For our first child, I had an epidural and had a great birthing experience. I just...