getting 9 month old to sleep

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9 Month Old Will Not Sleep in Crib!

A.B. asks from San Francisco

Do any of you mothers have any suggestions for me. My 9 month old son will NOT sleep in his crib. He will only sleep if he is in my bed with either myself, or husba...


9 Month Old Baby Sleep Problems

K.T. asks from Grand Rapids

Help! My girlfriends 9 month old baby goes to bed easily by 9:00 pm - but wakes up appx. 1/2 hour to 45 mintutes later - wide awake. She will fall back asleep if he...


My 9 Month Old Will Not Sleep

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

My 9 month old son will not sleep. He is up about 6 to 8 times a night. He wants to be fed every time, and since I am breastfeeding this is a lot to ask of me. Mos...


9 Month Old Won't Sleep on Her Own, and Now I'm in Trouble...

A.K. asks from San Francisco

We couldn't bring ourselves to sleep train our 9 month old as people just said by a year or so it would work itself out. She doesn't fall asleep without a bottle and ...


Getting 9 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

C.S. asks from Grand Rapids

How can I get my nine month old to sleep through the night? He goes to bed around 7:30 at night. I lay him down awake, and he goes to sleep on his own. He wakes up ar...


9 Mo Old Doesn't Sleep

R.B. asks from La Crosse

my 9 mo old doesn't sleep very much. on an average day he only sleeps 8-9 hours in a 24 hour period. he will go to sleep around 7-8pm (we keep him up as long as possi...


How to Encourage 9 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 9 months next week and she still does not sleep through the night and is getting worse. She use to wake up 2 or 3 times a night but the last mont...


9 Month Old Getting up Too Early and Won't Lay down on Her Own!

S.J. asks from Charlottesville

Currently my husband I are trying to sleep train our 9 1/2 month old girl but we are hitting some snags. Several months ago she was going to sleep easily where we wo...


How Do I Get My 9 Month Old to Sleep????

C.D. asks from Anchorage

My daughter, now 9 months old has NEVER been a good sleeper. My huband just came home from a 15 month deployment. Until now I have been holding and pacing the floors ...


Sleep Problem with 9-Month Old :(

K.S. asks from New York

My daughter was sleeping fine and going to bed drowsy on her own for nap and overnight. But a few weeks ago, her father and I split up and me and the baby are stayin...

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