My grandson is three and one half years old. he appears to hear fine and is very smart but does not talk very much and not clearly at all and what little he does say ...
my daughter will be nine months in a week and a half and is 21lbs and 29 inches. Her legs are starting to poke out out of her car seat a little and i dont know what k...
My dd has been complaining of stomach pain for over a year. At first, when asked to show me where, it would be somewhere different each time. I finally took her to ...
My 20 Month old (who goes to day care) has had a chronic cough for the last year. The cough is worse at night and is wet sounding. He has seen a Pediatric pulmonologi...
My daughter has always had difficulty going to sleep, we had to swaddle her, run the water in the sink, use a pacifier and rock her in my arms all to fall asleep. She...
My daughter opted to have a sleepover this weekend for her 9th birthday. She also decided she wanted to tie dye tshirts with all her friends. So h...
I recently went to a Beth Moore seminar and was blown away - - does anybody out there think she is wonderful and can you recommend any of her study guides???
My daughter is turning five next month. She has lots of Barbies, MLP's, Teenage Munant Ninja Turtles (she is diverse!), etc. Has anyone found a good toy/movie that yo...
Do any of you moms have any ideas for shirts that are easy to nurse in, yet slightly more stylish and fitted?
I got a few nursing shirts right after my daughter was...