My grandson, (he and his parents have lived with us since before he was born and we all raise him in harmony), started kindergarten 3 weeks ago in a charter school. W...
My daughter is in the 1st grade and is actually the youngest (turned 6 in Sept.) She actually should have been in K by age, but did K at a private school last year a...
Hi Moms, just wondering how much homework your kindergartener gets? This week mine has 9 pages to do by Friday. A couple of the pages are "easy" like ABC dot to dot...
Hi Moms,
I wrote a while back asking some advice about how to help my daughter who we suspected to have ADHD, inattentive sub type (ADD). She has since been diagn...
I was just wondering, I kept everything from first grade, and now I am keeping everything from second. But I was thinking if I keep doing that, in a few years I will...
Hi, Moms.
I just wrote a long message and got booted out. Must be this router. UUGG!
So, in a nutshell, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of projects, paperwork, ...
Can you moms please give me the in's and out's, up's and down's, postives and negatives of home schooling. I have a daughter who will be in first grade and a son in ...
My 2nd grade daughter is on medication for Inattentive ADD. Her new meds which she started taking about a month ago in my opinion at home seem to be working, she seem...
Our school district has part time kindergarten-- alternating between two day and three days a week. Because I work full time, on the days when our son is not at publ...