Hello there wonderful mamas!!! I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this. I was due yesterday and I started sporadic contractions as of late Tuesday night. Wednesd...
A good friend just found out her baby is breach and may have to have a c-section instead of natural childbirth. Has anyone had experience with this, are there any sup...
I am having my second child and I am considering a VBAC. I am undecided because of the safety concerns and because I don't want to get my hopes up again if I a...
Following up on my last question, due to my advanced maternal age, my doctor is strongly recommending the First Trimester Screening (blood test and ultrasound) to det...
I'm going to be induced tomorrow night if baby is a no show today.. Just wanted to hear some comparisons between natural labor and pitosin labor. I was also induced ...
My doctor called me today to tell me the results of my blood work that was taken. The test was for birth defects including Down Syndrome. He said that it came back p...
One of my girlfriends has been in labor ALL DAY and it's killing me that this baby isn't here yet!! I swear, other people's labors feel longer, and my first was LONG!...
My 6 week old little girl has been wanting to sleep on her tummy since day one. She has a bit of a reflex problem and cries if we put her on her back. We have tried h...
My husband and I came from our 18 week ultrasound yesterday and the baby was curled up pretty tight (though we managed to confirm it is a boy!) and the technician cou...