This is the same old arguement I have with my husband. I honestly think I am doing a good job keep the straight,making surs theckids finish their homework, picking up...
I have recently discovered through school testing that my 3rd grader has a Kindergarten/1st grade reading and math level. Both of my girls attend a good (or so I tho...
I've been thinking a lot about my children growing. They are nearly 4 and 5, spring and summer babies. My eldest will be starting school this fall and she is absolu...
I have an almost 4 year old and an almost 2 year old that share a room, both girls. They both have trouble going to sleep almost every night! Their dad is a TV sleepe...
A few days ago I wrote about how my husband spent the whole night out and didn't come back until late morning. I want him to apologize and feel remorseful but he doe...
How would you feel if this happened to you?
I was venting to my husband today and asked him to help out more at home each night after work. We both work and have 3 y...
Okay I know there are much worse things that unfortunately some dear moms have to bear with their children but I am having some mothers guilt...It is about pacifiers....
This question comes from two places -- my youngest just started full-day kindergarten, and I've been thinking about what to do with my life in this new phase. And re...
My Mom was an overwhelmed, unhappy, overly critical parent to myself and my two brothers, but quite honestly I don't carry any negative feelings about that into my ad...
I hate to say that out loud or in email but there are just some days when I feel like I want to jump off a building. I have two beautiful children (5 and 2 1/2 yrs.)...