I am 23 years old. Neither my boyfriend or myself have anyone with Downs in either of our families. I went and got the sequential screen (first blood test w an ultr...
So a little history, my daughter used a paci from birth and around a year old decreased her use drastically, was not super interested in it and I figured she would st...
I just learned this morning that a friend of mine who's 4 months pregnant with her 2nd is carrying a child with severe Turner Syndrome. The baby could die any day or ...
I have a question for any mom (or dad) with some knowledge or experience of Asperger's syndrome.
My sweet little boy, who will be turning 3 this summer, has been g...
Hi! I am currentlt 30 and pregnant with my third child. I opted to have the first trimester screen done which included the blood work and ultrasound. During the ul...
I am 40 years old and have a 16 year old son and a 21 month old daughter. I was a single mom for 11 years and then met and married my sweet husband. He adopted my s...
My dauther was told at her 18 wk ultrasound that she has a deposit of calcium on the fetus heart. She was told by her doctor that this could be a symptom of a downs s...
My 4 1/2 year old daughter has been suffering for about a month now. When she goes to bed at night her legs are so restless she can't sleep. She begs us to pull on h...
I am wondering if anyone else has been through this. My doctor started me on a diet in March. My last normal period was in February. I have not had one since. I seem ...
My aft blood work was done at 20 weeks 1 day and showed abnormal afp level. but they also mentioned in the blood report that it was taken too late. 2 days after tha...