Our grandson has several pimples on his arm,face. I think they are sweat pimples but the doctor thinks they're some kind of skin problem that will last 6 months to a...
I know Dr. Fleiss is very popular, and I would go to him if he was covered on our insurance, but I'm worried about constantly trying to get paid for an out of plan do...
HI im had a couple questions, my daughter just turned 9 months a few days ago. since she was born ive had a lot of pain and trouble regulating my periods. at first ...
Well my daughter does this "thing" with her sippy cups, she drinks and then spits it out and plays with it , well as i seen her doin it friday , i also seen she had a...
My one year old son (almost 13 months) has had a cold for the past 16 days. This is his fourth cold in less than four months and it is also his worst (at least two o...
So I'm registering my son for a YMCA camp online and they have a link to his health history page to update. In the space where the vaccinations are listed is a space ...
I just learned yesterday from my ex (sent me an email 30 mins before I was scheduled to pick up our son) that our son got bit from one of his brother's dogs on Friday...
Our 10-year-old son was recently diagnosed with an eating disorder and failure to thrive. The doctor is recommending two weeks of hospitalization on a feeding tube.
Has anyone else dealt with this? Our closest friends have a daughter 5 mo. older than ours, and they have chosen to not give her any immunizations, flu vaccines, etc...
Hello Moms! I am wondering if any of you have children who are lactose intolerant? I believe my daughter is struggling with this, but am not 100% sure. First of al...