My son was diagnosed with ADHD and developmental dyspraxia. The diagnosis of the dyspraxia just occured earlier this summer. Any tips from other parents out there w...
Hello, my 5 year old son has High Functioning Autisim and will be starting Kindergraten in the fall, hopefully with a full-inclusion aide. He has some severe behavi...
I've recently been told my child has Asperger's disorder, he was recently diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. He is very stubborn and will not do what hes told, like bru...
I have heard so much controversy about getting your kids immunized. Is it good for them? Or even is it doing any good? I have even heard that if you choose not to ...
I'm about to be a first-time mom and my husband and I keep going back and forth on whether to vaccinate or not; if we do, should we alter the vaccine schedule ...
My 4 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar. At this time, we are charting his moods to show what sort of cycle he goes through. We have held off on ...
I fell like I am doing something wrong or no enough. We go to playdates, library things ect. There are children talking at 17 months, walking at 10 months, mothers ...
Why is potty training so darn hard!!??
My daughter turns 2 in a couple of weeks. A few months ago I really thought she'd be potty trained by her birthday. She was ...
So I'm pretty sure my son has ADD. He cannot focus and pay attention in class. He is NOT hyper, it is just a focus issue-not listening, day dreaming, not completein...