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More of a Vent Then Anything Else... Why Is It So Hard to Be a Mom?

M.G. asks from New York

Why is it so hard to be a Mom? Has it always been like this? Was I so ignorant? I knew it was going to be hard and definitely something that would take getting used t...


LA Weight Loss

J.D. asks from Portland

I was just wondering if anyone has tried the LA Weight Loss program. If you have, did it work, how expensive was it, and did you have to take supplements? My daughter...


Colic Advice

J.M. asks from Reno

My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...


Would You Attend a Shower If...

F.O. asks from Boston

Someone blew off yours? Here's the story. My friend who had been trying to conceive prior to and during my pregnancy. The minute I announced I was "with child"...


What You Wish You Had Known About Being Pregnant...

J.C. asks from Boise

What do you wish someone had told you about being pregnant? Or what advice helped you the most?


What Made You Decide to Have a Third Child?

J.H. asks from Seattle

I am a mother of 2 daughters and am contemplating adding a third and final child to our family. We would be extremely happy to welcome another child into our life. I ...


How Do You Get Your Self Motivated During the Day to Do ANYTHING?

K.W. asks from Spokane

My problem is I am always tired and I have NO motivation, or gumption to do anything! All I want to do is sit, eat, and keep to myself. How do I pull myself out of th...

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