care skin

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Loosing Skin

C.Z. asks from Omaha

ooook we are all mostly moms. We all know that the baby stretch is amazing on unforgiving skin. Mine is bad. I need to loose weight. which is working! but the skin wo...


Calligrapher, Skin Care and Selling Truck!

J.E. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms! I have some random requests and would appreciate your advice... 1. I am looking for a good, but reasonably priced, calligrapher. I have a small projec...


Itchy Skin

D.P. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter-3 yr has constantly itchy skin...she itches also when upset so that doesnt help things. But, she scratches so much she breaks the skin and has spots on h...


Elephant Skin

K.W. asks from Tulsa

I have recently lost a lot of weight (almost 70 pounds) and have about 10 more to go before I hit my goal. I've done it the correct way, through eating right and exe...


Baby Skin

L.H. asks from New York

HI all , I have a 3 1/2 old month baby who has very dry skin on her face around her mouth and side of her face any sugguestions on what i can put on it


Dry Skin

E.G. asks from Daytona Beach

We live in dry central Florida and play in the pool water and the beach, any suggestions for something to keep my skin from being so dry and my hair healthy?


Skin Tags

L.A. asks from Austin

Ugh, getting old sure does bring surprises.. I am getting skin tags on my torso.. Can I remove them myself? I have surgical scissors. Have you all done this you...


Dry Skin

J.M. asks from Atlanta

Okay Ladies, Im orginially from California and have been in Georiga for two years now. My skin right now is so DRY. My hands are cracking and bleeding. I was just wo...


Dry Skin

L.B. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 1/2 month old just developed very dry skin. He has abrasive patchy areas on his arms, legs and belly. Wondered if anyone had any suggestions for anything to he...


Dry Skin

K.B. asks from Sacramento

I have a newborn daughter who is one month old today. She has really bad dry skin on her face and her head. I really dont think the skin on her head is cradel cap. My...

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