Hi, I am thinking about transferring my home phone from Cox over to Vonyage. My only concern is the way 911 works.. since its hooked up to your computer, your address...
my land line phones went dead, so we are considering not replacing them. DD, hubby,and I all have cell phones. DS, 10, is just starting to stay home alone for a few...
Do you have it and love it? Looking to switch from Time Warner and want to know your experience. They said they raise their rates annually......is this true?
Does anyone know of a way I can order an 800 number? I tried 4 times today to use the AT&T, my local provider :( and got disconnected 4 times in a row. I have heard...
How do you do it? What do your days look like? Do you have hired help to make this possible? How can I go about it? Right now I use about an hour of TV four morni...
Time Warner is out of control with their cost. I'm looking to change to either Dish network or Direct TV. Does anyone have either of these services? Has anyone had bo...
Several friends have switched to it and I simply can't figure it out.
What are the monthly charges? Do you have to buy a plan then you pay for certain channels th...
So enlight of netflix upping their prices by double or higher, I want cheap again. I am on the 2 dvd/unlimited streaming which is $14. Hulu only has tv shows right? W...
So I really want to get Netflix and catch up on some shows. I don't have a WII or a Smart TV so I will need a ROKU or Apple TV device. Any suggestions? Can I get o...
After receiving my most recent Direct tv bill I really am ready to get rid of it all together. We have been talking about this for over a year, but the truth is, we a...