My grandson is going to overnight camp this summer and I want to get him a bug repellent that is non-toxic. Would appreciate opinions on which one to purchase.
I am searching for a bug/mosquito repellent that is Deet free. It will be for my 14 month old. So, something along the lines of kid friendly, without the Deet. I am i...
I need help on what kind of insect repellant I should use on my 3 year old. I am really paronoid about the whole west nile virus because we live next to a creek with...
So every summer my daughter seems to start off the season with a couple of odd bug bites then severe hives and trip or two to the doc and er then it is over. This yea...
My 5 year old came home today with literally 10-15 bug bites all over his body. How do I prevent bugs from getting to him? Is there a safe, natural way???
this may have been asked before, but what repellent do you mamas use for your little ones? i'm going camping with my 2 and 3 year old kids. also, any other camping wi...
My daughter and I were attacked by mosquitoes this past weekend. I managed to take most of the damage (about 40 or 50 bites) but a few got through and my 9 month old ...
Hello mama's! My daughter gets eaten alive by mosquitos when nobody else around even sees them. Even with bug spray seems like nothing helps prevention wise...
After playing outside the last few days, my kids and I have gotten bites from some sort of insect, at the back of our neck, at our hairlines. The bites are bloody, an...
Both of my kids have pretty severe reactions to mosquito bites. What does everyone use to stop the itching and/or is there anything natural that stops the itching? ...