My 24 month old is a very bubbly and fun loving toddler, he's learning his vocabulary so fast I can't watch tv without thinking ' Is Conan picking up any dirty words ...
Hi All:
Looking for some other mothers that have late bloomers! My son is 14.5 months old and doesn't have any teeth. Occasionally we think he is "definitely teet...
I had plenty of cavities when I was a kid, but by the time I was 20, I had no problems with my teeth for the longest time. Once I had my daughter, it seems that I hav...
My almost 3 year old is refusing to brush her teeth. We went to the dentist a few weeks ago and she was amazingly compliant at the dentist's. I think part of the is...
We have been working with our 2 year old with brushing her teeth since she was 1. We have used the children's toothpaste that is safe to swallow, but all she wants to...
Hi all,
For more than a year now we've attempted toothbrushing every night (after milk snack before bed), but it's always a battle and I never feel like those teet...
When should I bring my 10 month old to the dentist??
She has 2 teeth so far. How do I take care of them??? should I start brushing at night or everytime she eats w/ ...
My 14 month old fights brushing. She has the standard front 8 and 4 molars. I quickly get in there but don't feel like it's doing much. She sometimes chews on in for ...
Hi Moms,
Well, had some gum pain in the back and went to the dentist- my wisdom tooth is coming down and very painful, and hitting my other tooth so it won't come...
Hi Momma's,
I have a question about my 2 y/o son's teeth. He had a spurt of antibiotics...several courses over 3 months trying to get his ear's cleared up. During...