My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
Our daughter is 10 months old now and getting too big to carry in her infant car seat. So, we need to buy a new car seat. We will have to buy two car seats, because I...
My lil girl turned 3 in February. She has met the 30 lb marker according to the car seat where we can use the car seatbelt.
i have noticed the seat completely moves ...
Hello, I am trying to do some research on the car seat guidelines etc. The manual information from my infant car seat is contradicting with the manual information fro...
My eight month old is almost too big for his infant car seat. We have the Chicco and love it. Does anyone have any recommendations for the next car seat we should p...
I have a Forester and I find it small. My baby is just growing out of his infant car seat. I am wondering if I Britax Marathon fits well inside a Forester or if I sho...
I am the mother of an almost 4 month old little boy who has ALREADY outgrown his infant carseat. I am in need of a larger carseat but there are so many versions out t...
I am expecting our second daughter in November. I want a good quality car seat and I know Britax are good ones but I really do not want to spend that kind of money on...
I am planning to get a Britax carseat for my 11 month old son as he is growing out of his infant seat. I am trying to decide between the Marathon and the Roundabout....