My daughter is nearing the 20-22 lb. weight and we are considering forward facing toddler/convertible car seats. I am having the hardest time getting safety reviews/f...
My son is not quite 2.5 years old, 39 inches tall, and 32 lbs. He has been in a Cosco Scenera convertible car seat since he was about 6 months old [he outgrew his inf...
My 5 year old daughter still rides primarily in a car seat however she does have a booster in my husband's car. She prefers the booster but I feel she is safer in a ...
My third child is almost ready to get out of her carrier. We've had a roundabout and my son is in a marathon. We've loved all of our Britax's, but wonder if the dec...
Please tell me if you absolutely loved your infant car seat, especially if you bought it in the past 2 years.
We are expecting twins, so need two, so looking for cos...
My son is almost 6 month and we have a greco car seat system that goes up to 32 pounds. He has a while to go, but I am wondering what type of a car seat is good to ge...
I have a 2.5 year old little boy and newborn baby girl. We also babysit another 2 year old little boy a few days a week. My problem is that I now need to fit 3 car ...
I am looking to purchase a second set of car seats for my husbands car. We have Sunshine Kids Radian 65 car seats in my car, and I LOVE THEM!!! But, I am not able t...