My little guy has just about outgrown his infant car seat so we are about to buy a convertable seat. He's nine months old and weighs almost 22 pounds. He's got a f...
Our daughter is about to turn one so we're looking for the next carseat for her. We like the fact that her current carseat fits onto a base, so it can easily move fro...
I have a 6 1/2 month old son. Hes a big boy. Already 22 pounds. The car seat that i have right now is 5-22 lbs.Hes about to outgrow that one. I think he is too young ...
My 5 month old is on the verge of out growing his car seat. I would like recommendations for a convertible car seat that is easy to switch vehicles, since 3 differen...
hi everyone
we are thinking about having baby #3 but the idea of "the car" came up... we dont really want a minivan or a big explorer type vehicle.. we want a good ...
We are about to purchase a new car seat for our one year old. We are trying to decide what brand to get and whether or not to get the convertible or not. Any sugges...
I've been lucky enough to be able to keep my oldest daughter rear-facing in her car seat at 4.5 years old. She's still 2 lbs. away from the rear-facing limits & coul...
My daughter is about to turn one and my parents want to buy her forward facing car seat. There are several on sale that they are looking at. Is there a website or som...
I need to buy a new car seat for a 20-month-old. I would like something that is comfortable for long trips, will work until the child can travel without a carseat, a...
Ok I think I'm probably over thinking and being ridiculous (as my husband would tell me, lol).. I'm just wondering which "infant" car seat to get for my 3rd baby gir...