My grandson has had a pretty typical head/chest cold. But my daughter took him to urgent care because he coughs very bad at night. They put him on 5 days of the zit...
My daughter has had a couple colds in the past several weeks and it doesn't surprise me since the two girls I watch are constantly sick. No matter how hard I try to k...
Now that my baby is crawling around, she is breathing heavier, and sounds wheezy. She always seems to sound like if she just cleared her throat, it would go away. She...
this is the 2nd time this has happened in a yr. The middle of the night my son starts screaming he can't breath, gets hysterical, crying and coughing and has that sea...
My third child is about 5 1/2 months old. Yesterday she had a seizure that lasted atleast a minute, and yes I'm sure it was one. She has also wheezed heavily since ...
I am interested in learning more about febrile seizures and related conditions. Last Sunday, my 1-year old son had a fever of about 101 and I gave him ibuprofin. Ab...
I know your not suppose to give a baby honey till they are 1 but I heard local honey was ok. My father in law got my almost 7 month old some local honey from the feed...
My son (2.5) has had the diagnosis of "reactive airway disease" thrown around the past year. It seems every time he gets a cold, his breathing becomes more labored (m...
I have a question regarding this type of delivery. My wife delivered our little girl on Monday and the doctor recommended a vacuum delivery. My wife asked what the p...
My 6 month old was just diagnosed with a Penicillin allergy. On day 7 of amoxicillin she started with a minor rash on her legs and by day 9 it was major and everywhe...