My baby is 5 months old and I'm hoping to continue breastfeeding for his first year. I need to start on birth control, but I'm concerned that the pill will cut down m...
During a different life, pre-babies, i used to drink 'green vibrance' a probiotic supplemental drink -- and it gave me extra energy and improved my digestion. I stop...
HI- I have a new little girl and i am breastfeeding. I dont drink alchoal all that often but every once and a while. I know i can have 1-2 drinks and have it not af...
I am a first time mom to a gorgeous 15 month old boy!. I am still breastfeeding on demand (usually about 4 times a day and about 2 times at night) I really do enjoy n...
I am still breastfeeding my 20 month old daughter and wanted to know if there is any medication that is safe to take for anxiety. I am taking two classes (I'm in my l...
So I was really good while I was pregnant about what I ate (and didn't eat) and drank (and didn't drink) . . . I asked my doctor about caffeine and alcohol while brea...
So I'm curious about how many of you have or have not lost all of your pregnancy weight breastfeeding. For the gals who claim to have lost all of the weight, may I as...
Hi all i am currently feeding my 10 month old baby he only feeds maybe 3 times a day and has been doing that for about 3 or 4 months now. I was expecting to get my pe...
I am pregnant (due in July) and have a 3 year old boy. I am planning on breastfeeding, assuming all goes well. It just got me thinking, how do you explained breastfee...
As allergy season is taking a strong hold now I am suffering terribly. Last year when I was pregnant, I stopped taking all medicines but didn't seem to struggle with...