breastfeeding medications

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Antidepressants and Breastfeeding

N.S. asks from Chicago

I am experiencing postpartum depression after having my second child. I haven't had my 6-week check-up with my dr. yet but was wondering if anyone has any experience ...


Breastfeeding Advice

G.M. asks from Boston

I am breastfeeding my 5 1/2 month old daughter and I actually love it. I want to continue to do it for up to a year old. However, I am having a couple of problems. D...


Breastfeeding While Sick

K.H. asks from Kalamazoo

Hi out there! I have a quick question for all of you moms that breastfeed. Tessa (my little girl) is 4months old and I am still breastfeeding. I am starting to com...


Breastfeeding and Migraines

E.F. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone, Recently had a baby and since, have been suffering from severe migraines for the first time. I am breastfeeding so there is not much I can take, Tyleno...


Breastfeeding While I Have a Cold

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey fellow mamas, My little boy is 10 months and is just getting over some sort of virus that had him congested. Now for the past couple of days I have had a really ...


Should I Stop Breastfeeding?

S.G. asks from Austin

Hi...I am a mom of a 3 month old baby...I am breastfeeding her from day one, but lately I feel like I am not making enough for her....When I squeeze my nipple - barel...


Breastfeeding & Tattoos

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Okay kind of strange question here. Have any of you mamas gotten a tattoo while breastfeeding (not actually having the baby on the boob while getting inked) but I mea...


Breastfeeding Erythromycin

B.W. asks from Pittsburgh

I am breastfeeding my 5 1/2 week old. I went to the doctor for a throat culture to see if i have strep. She did not do the rapid test only the culture and said i won'...


Breastfeeding Advice

S.S. asks from Portland

Hi, I am getting ready to have my second baby soon and was curious to see if some other moms had some breastfeeding advice. When my son was born 2 years ago, he was...


Ambivalent About Breastfeeding

M.P. asks from Modesto

I haven't decided whether I want to wean my son, but I have been thinking about it more and more. I get frustrated often with nursing and am not enjoying it like I on...

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