My little one can't stand to away from me for more than a few minutes. I can't even take a shower while my husband watches him. Little one cries so forcefully that ...
Hello! I realize this isn't the most pleasant of topics, but wondering if there are any of you who've had a newborn with something deemed "uncoordinated pooping". W...
My 1 month old hasnt pooped since Sunday and before that we were lucky if she pooped once a day and she really struggled. she seems to be miserable. Any advice?
My baby was born five days ago and my breasts are SO SORE! I'm not sure if it is just engorgement or not because they are still hard after he nurses. They aren't ge...
My newest is 6 months old (time flies) and suddenly my nipples are as sore as the first few weeks. Also I have noticed they are cracked and bleeding in several places...
I have stopped breastfeeding and I am wondering the best way to dry up my milk supply. I am VERY engorged and it is painful. Any suggestion would be appreciated. P...
Before I got pregnant I lost 20 pounds just by diet and exercise. Well, not really dieting just by cutting back. Since my baby was born 11 months ago, I have lost 4...
I came in following up on a slight yeast infection/hemorrhoid thing after giving birth to my baby girl on the 12th of November. I've never had a hemorrhoid before thi...
So we're about to have a baby (YAY!!). I didn't get to nurse with my other two, but we are with this one. My question is that DH and I want to finally break in his ne...
I am very suspicious that my 7 year old son may have celiac disease. I first thought he may have a lactose issue, but have since figured out that it is more of a rea...