I was placed on bed rest for a week, then told to take it easy, after experiencing Preterm contractions due to dehydration and "over doing it." The contrctions have e...
Hi! I am a first time soon-to-be mom. I am now 9 days past my due date and am going crazy! I saw my mid-wife yesterday and she told me the baby's fluid levels are fin...
My first was a planned c-section so I've never had a contraction other than the braxton hicks. With this baby there is a slight chance I may get to have him vaginall...
Hi Ladies...I am almost 38 weeks pregnant with my second child and am dilated to 4 cm and 80% effaced. The doctor said the baby is low, but didn't say an exact stati...
My Dr. doesn't want me to go in to "Active Labor", due to a high-risk pregnancy / placenta accreta. I have a scheduled C-section in a few weeks, but yesterday he tol...
I remember reading somewhere that 'flu-like symptoms' are a sign of labor... So I'm kind of praying that my runny nose, sore throat, and headache means that I am almo...
Ok, I've done this once already but for some reason, I feel like I'm starting over. Last time, I had no signs of early labor. I was awoken in the middle of the night(...
Hi moms- So, this is my third pregnancy and I'm going on 32 weeks. With my other two, I was much smaller at this point and did not feel pressure on my pelvis until t...
I feel kind of silly asking this question, since this is my 4th child... but every pregnancy is definitely not the same!! I am just shy of 37 weeks pregnant and i wou...
Hello! Yesterday was my due date and obviously, I have not had the baby yet. :) This is my first baby. If I don't deliver this week, my doctor will induce me on Su...