The other booster seat post made me son is 4 and weighs over 40 lbs. My question is what is the difference between the backless and not backless booster se...
My daughter is almost 4. She weighs 35 lbs and is 40 inches tall. I am hesitant to switch her to a booster yet. Need more advice and expert opinions from experienced ...
Dear Mamas,
I have a 2009 Honda Odyssey. Next year my daughters will be in kindergarten and first grade. I would like to be able to carpool with some friends, but ...
My 3 1/2 year old daughter has outgrown her carseat and I am trying to decide on a booster seat. I've done some research online and have seen the Compass and Britax ...
At what age does a child have to be to sit in a booster with a back on it? and the weight limit? My daughter will be 3 in sept. and she is in the 99 percentile for he...
So I know the rule about rear facing infant car seats-20lbs/1 YR before they can ride forward facing. But what about after that-whats the pound/height/age for toddle...
I would love to hear your reccomendations for booster seats (preferably high backed) for a height challenged 4 year old. My son is almost 38 inches and 34lbs. We cu...
I have twins and a 4 door car. You do the math. LoL. It seems like I never have any room to put anyone when we go somewhere (I currently am taking care of my 16 year ...
I will be taking a 3 hour flight with my toddler and five and a half year old in a few weeks. The baby will be in a car seat on the flight. My older daughter has a ...
I am looking to put my 3 year old daughter into a booster seat. Can someone give me a recommendation on which seats I should look at? Does she still need the 5 poin...