blood pressure monitor wrist

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Results 11-20 from 29 articles

Dizziness and 1St Trimester

D.D. asks from Detroit

Hello Moms! I am in the first trimester of my second pregnancy. So far it is absolutely nothing like the first. I am so incredibly dizzy it is hard for me to even t...


Carpal Tunnel Issues

C.F. asks from Portland

Hey Everyone. I have recently been really struggling with carpal tunnel issues (at least I think that is what it is). My whole hand and arm up to my elbow hurt so...


Left Arm Hurts/going to Sleep While Pregnant. Happened to Anyone Else?

K.H. asks from Reno

Hey all. I'm exactly 25 weeks pregnant, 28 and in excellent health. So 3 different times now in the last week my left harm has gone to sleep suddenly and hurt at th...


2 Things....

K.G. asks from Pocatello

Hi everyone! I am 8 months pregnant w/ my second child and I have to questions. My midwife said at my last appt. that she couldn't tell where my baby's head was and s...


35 Wks Pregnant and Super Swollen

A.C. asks from Los Angeles

I'm 35 weeks pregnant with my first baby and ive been really swollen for the last month, at least. The swelling is really bad in my feet, ankles, calves, and up to my...


Juggling Morning Sickness and Everything Else

S.R. asks from Washington DC

Ladies I really need your help. We are pregnant with out second child and just starting week 6. With my son I didn't have any symptoms but I already feel awful. I k...


Gestational Diabetes and Nausea

M.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi there - I am pregnant (18 weeks) with my second one and I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes since week 6. That part is okay to deal with. It is the nau...


All Day, Not Morning Sickness!

A.E. asks from Redding

I feel nauseated ALL the time. I have a 19 month old daughter and it was never like this the first time around. I've tried toast, limiting spices, etc. Nothing makes ...


Advice on Pregnancy and Motherhood

N.S. asks from Hartford

Okay I have found myself unexpectedly pregant. I am happy about this and was planning on another child but it happened MUCH earlier than expected. I have always had...


Help! I Suffer from Negativ-itis!

N.D. asks from Chicago

I've grown up in a very negative household, so it's been ingrained in me to always think and act negative about everything. I don't want my daughter to learn to b...

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Answer Highlights

  • wrist bands for sea sickness in 2 answers "... really seem to make it worse). Also, sea bands (wrist bands for sea sickness ..."
  • carpal tunnel syndrome in 4 answers "I went to the doctor and found out that it was Carpal Tunnel syndrome and I also had ..."
  • motion sickness bracelets in 2 answers "I found some comfort in: motion sickness bracelets ginger-in any form; tea, candies ..."
  • wear a wrist brace in 2 answers "My doctor recommended that I buy and wear a wrist brace to alleviate the pain."
  • anti nausea meds in 3 answers "... dropping 10 lbs in 2 wks my doc put me through a barrage of anti-nausea meds ..."